How i spent this short 1-week break?
8 Mar (sat)
had p4 asp PTC at 8.30am, found out tt 8 out of 13 parents would be coming but not sure after seeing their form teachers n other subject teachers, would they drop in n see me? not bad, 6 came eventually. by right, shld hv 1 more but i think he cant afford to wait while i was talking to a long-winded parent who's proud tt her son has improved a lot but he's still failing. she felt tt she could coach him in other subjects when she saw him improve in CL. shouldnt be the case as every subject is just as impt. hmm well, meeting ended late at 1230pm. wanted to leave but found my bicycle chain came off again! :( this bicycle really dont like me, gives me so much prob.
in the late afternn, went hiking from macritchie to bukit timah. bus journey was long, reached there already close to 5pm. we finished by 7+, got chased out by the BT workers. they r already closing.
10 Mar(mon)
helped up with p4 GE/NGE lang camp. needed to reach sch at 7am but i was slighly late. i had to call up 2 latecomers, n realised tt they had forgotten. it was held at RGPS. prog was long, felt rather draggy, bored...
11 Mar(tue)
whole day course at trs' netwk. din really listen as i was marking compo :p
13 Mar (thu)
back sch for sch team badminton practice.
wow my hols ending soon... sian... am a workaholic but feel rather sian to wk. contradicting...